Antonino Saggio I Quaderni
The IT Revolution in Architecture/La Rivoluzione Informatica
Antonino Saggio
Editor and Founder, since 1998..
Links to the Different Editions
Prominence Publishing, Taipei, Taiwan
The Series "IT Revolution in Architecture" is certainly
the most comprehensive collection of thoughts and views accompanying the
still young area of Information Technology and Computer Aided Architectural
Design.... The series is a true contribution to the digital design culture.
The intellectual level of the series is high and balanced between excitement
and in-depth knowledge of the field. The impact on the international CAAD
community and beyond is strong. Due to their affordability and format,
books of the series are part of the personal libraries of architecture
students around the world.
Gerhard Schmitt
Vice President Planning and Logistics, ETH Zürich
La serie "La rivoluzione informatica" colma una lacuna
grave tra alcuni settori del sapere scientifico, umanistico e tecnologico
di cui l'architettura moderna ha un tremendo bisogno.
Michele Emmer
professore ordinario di matematica Università
di Roma "La Sapienza"
The enormous success of the book series IT Revolution
in Architecture is due, not only to its extraordinary vivacity, intelligence,
originality and creativity, but also to the fact that it is the only book
series that concerns what has become the central issue for the entire world
of architecture: The way architecture, and therefore the physical
environment of modern civilization, has changed, from the ground up, as
a result of the use of the computer in architectural design and construction......
I whole-heartedly congratulate the publishers of this series for their
great insight in opening this tremendously influential forum of communication
in an area that affects everyone living in the world today. This
series will continue to be highly influential, and expand its already large
audience in ever new directions.
Michael Leyton
Center for discrete mathematics, Rutgers University
The age of mechanical reproduction came to its very
end. Digitalisation is bringing more qualities into life inciting appearance
of totally new systems or matrices that act "naturally". We live in the
age that has it's very specific conditions and rules which most of the
today's architectural practice is not dealing with. IT Revolution in Architecture
series by Antonino Saggio is edition that is still not fully recognised
as one of the most important theoretical impact of the new age by matching
issues far beyond common contemporary thought. What Le Corbusier's Vers
une architecture was to the mechanical age, IT Revolution could be to the
electronic one, unmonumentally presented rich body of ideas that should
strongly change the atavistic appearance of today's architecture.
Kresemir Rogina
Penezic&Rogina Archietcs Zagreb
The impact of the series has been tremendous.
Bruce Lindsey Head, St. Louis Washington University
I volumi della collana La Rivoluzione informatica in Architettura sono stati fondamentali per molti, giovani e non solo, e non solo in Italia grazie alla diffusione internazionale in inglese. Sono stati molto importanti per me, ad esempio.
Mario Carpo professor Paris la Villette, Yale, Bartlett
FB Dedicated Group

Conferences dedicated to the Book Series
EPUB Publication and Home delivery
of English Books published since 2011
ITools. ITRevolution in Architecture.
Selection of book reviews and Interviews
an Interview in English and Italian on the structure and the scope
of the book series BtMw&As
Leggi una
breve intervista sulla collana in Portoghese sulla rivista "Drops"
Leggi un
testo di AS sull'impostazione generale della serie in "Iper-Sapzio"
Leggi Una eredità viva di Bruno Zevi: La rivoluzione informatica in architettura Metamorfosi, n.5, novembre 2018
Takis Zenetos ""
Strati Mobili ""
Game zone""
Digital Hadid ""
Design "Core 77"
Born "A-Matter"
digitali ""
Con Il computer ""
Design "Core 77"
Born "A-Matter"
e New Wombs "La Stampa"
Nuova fenice Riscatto Virtuale "Antithesi"
Eisenman "TE/un"
Eisenman "ds.arch.tue"
Flatness "A-Matter"
Flatness ""
Carta di Zurigo Paola Ruotolo "Idearium"
dell'intelligenza "Caad02pedata"
dell'intelligenza "Caad02rosselli"
Architecture "Caad02castelluccio"
Nuova Fenice Riscatto Virtuale "Caad02vannini"
Game Zone ""
Smart Creatures, Libertucci 2018