People thought that they can see all. But those who cannot "see" the space do recognize much more than us. Normal people memorized spaces almost 80% by vision. Therefor, the other senses of human were ignored gradually, and the sense of sight becomes the only focus of space forming.
This is the class about dark and light, blind and not blind.
Link to the presentation file >> Active Link Movie 1, 2 of project
For modern people, cyberspace is a whole new world. Internet is not only used to obtain information, but also to communicate and interact to the community. Even, a new culture is appeared on internet. Modern people are used to deal with anything in front of computers. We think it is a big crisis that modern people are restricted by the Internet.
We study in traditional and modern society. The traditional religion is powerful; modern people's beliefs are weaker and weaker. Comparing to worshiping religion's people desiring to enter Heaven, Internet users are more crazed to indulge in cyberspace. Cyberspace maybe replaces belief to be their spirit support.
We try to be humorous to present the crisis, and design a confessing booth. The interesting design, just like traditional belief, can decrease modern people's sense of sin. It is also like internet, can connect other people to get the same conducts like traditional belief. This design perfectly relates with IT and belief.
Link to the presentation file >>ACTIVE PDF Video You Tube >>
In Japan, internet cafe refugees have become homeless of the new generation, and the internet cafe has at the same time officially become the new slum. Internet refugee is a product of the economic bubble in Japan. Even hard-working youngsters may lack money for a place to live. Were it not for the internet cafe, they would be sleeping on the streets.
From the same perspective, backpackers are also a group of people who are also somewhere between a refugee and a traveler. Traveling under low cost, high-mobility, and camouflage, we've come up with a new prototype to contain this group of people, in hope this would come of use in all cities.
Link to the presentation file >> Active link
when you come into this game,you will got very special experience different before, and just into a fatastic cruising. we hope it can be a prototype of the future's parking lot. The circulation of the parking lot is like the symbol "∞"(infinity), not only can it be fully functioned in many ways, but also a part of the urban landscape.
Link to the presentation file >>
Hsinchu is famous for its windy weather, and we NCTU students know this better than anyone else. Much inconvenience exists in our life due to the wind. We investigated the cause of the wind and discovered that, in addition to the inconvenience, the wind also brings Hsinchu various delicacies and cultural traditions. Then we gathered information of technologies and different art forms that are related to wind, and designed a wind exhibition park, in hope that, learning more about the wind through this park, people may put Tzu Wind into better use and enrich our life.
Link to the presentation file >> ACTVE PDF
Mono-Value is a phenomenon long seen in Taiwan. Its a situation in which Main Stream dominates the society and leave not much room for anything else.
Defining what is good and what is bad becomes a very simple question. Thinking the answer however, becomes a shallow and un-sophisticated process. As a result, the majority of society become very short-sighted and narrow-minded.
Cram School is a by-product of this phenmenon. It is an institude that pushes indivituals who may not neccessarily belong in the main stream back into the main stream, and often killing their already-dying non-mainstream talents.
In our program, we wish to help people see beyond mainstream values, giving non-mainstream activities a platform to expose themselves in hope that it can in away break the barrier between mainstream and non-mainstream.
Link to the presentation file >> Active PDF and Movie 1, and 2