Antonino Saggio I Quaderni
Yale Architecture
Summer Program in Civita di Bagnoregio
prof. Norma Barbacci
prof. Glenn Boornazian
The Impact of Information Technology in Historic Centers
prof. arch.
"Sapienza" University of Rome
Lecture 2008
Hard Work the need to save preserve and the evolve the Historic Heritage Labes. Scavo e stratigrafia archeologica quale occasione attive del progetto urbano. Metro C, Museo dei ritrovamenti, Teatro Interattivo Spazi commerciali e per Risistemazione del mercato la via Sannio, Roma Cristian Farinella,
Lortena Greco AA 08-09 Relatore
A. Saggio Saspienza Universitìy of Rome ![]() ![]() ![]()
INCUT Denise Franzè AA
08-09 Relatore A. Saggio Sapienza Universitìy of
Rome ![]() Published in this book ![]() |
Pertinent Narration
Sicily Lab Gioiosa Marea 2007
Sossio de Vita
De Vita already reveals in the title of the project the intensity of his conceptual, theoretical, and design approach to the city. The "palischermi" are actually the boats used in the "tonnara," which, in this seaside city, are also used in sagas, strength competitions, and events. The investigation carried out by this designer is comprehensive: from the reasons and organizations of the town in relation to the mountains, to the constant reconsideration of the relationship with the sea created by the railway, to the role of fishing and diving. The ancient tools of the sea and fishing (the vessels, the different types of configurations and reconfigurations of the nets and sails) anticipate the immersive world of computer technology.
Reinterpreation of Existing resources
Sicily Lab Gioiosa Marea 2008
The Cave of Tono as a space for sound and visual installations by contemporary artists.
Luigi Valente
Valente focuses his study on the Cave of Tono, a geologically rich structure from a naturalistic point of view, connecting the rocky cliff on which the city of Gioiosa Marea is settled and the sea. This cave, where prehistoric remains have been found, has recently been made accessible through guided tours. Valente applies his studies on underground structures to this context and identifies an interesting mode of use that is compatible with the interest and delicacy of the natural space. The underground area is equipped with a sound infrastructure (speakers of various power, characteristics, and arrangements) and image projectors. This infrastructure allows the Cave of Tono to be offered to a musician who (potentially in collaboration with a video artist) transforms the structure into a tailor-made sound installation. The installation can be visited by the public using the same current methods but can generate a culturally significant attraction for the town. The Cave of Tono thus comes to life and resonates with emotional and sensory depths, projecting the visitor into other dimensions. Valente's participation in the workshop was active and brilliant in all its phases, including assistance and support during some stages of editing and conceptualization of the works common to the entire workshop.
Urban Coreography
Tulane New Orleans
Workshops in Sicily Lab
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY... key representation + text
Leggi Un articolo Su Archeomatica
Texas Tech Lubbock
Urban Creative Analysis
Plug In Design
Architecture; civic space and art as Homeopatic cures
Nitro Actions in Gioiosa Marea
September 3-9, 2012
Pict by Rosamaria Faralli
2016 : Reciprocal, 2017, Tensigrit 2018, Gioiosa Chapel 2018
2016 : Reciprocal
Reinterpretation of Existing resources
Role of Information Technology
in the field of interconnections
Reciprocal 2016 read article
Antonino Saggio
Matteo Baldissara
Valerio Galeone
Davide Motta
Valerio Perna
Gabriele Stancato
Alessandro Perosillo
Silvia Primavera
Manuela Seu
Michele Spano
Gioiosa Chapel 2018
Role of Information Technology
in the field of interconnections
Un'installazione interattiva nella grotta neolitica di Gioiosa Marea
MetaTono - Un'installazione interattiva nella grotta neolitica di Gioiosa MareaOggetto: Installazione pubblica in uno spazio urbano
Dove: Gioiosa Marea (Me) Belvedere tra via Roma e via Forzano
Quando: Domenica 11 settembre 2022
Titolo: MetaTono - Una installazione interattiva nella grotta neolitica di Gioiosa Marea
Contatto: prof. Antonino Saggio, Sapienza Università di Roma 333 362 5887
Patrocinio: Comune di Gioiosa Marea, ProLoco di Gioiosa Marea
Autore: SicilyLab
Sito con foto ad alta definizione:
Sicily Lab 2022
Antonino Saggio
Alessandra Antonini
Gaetano De Francesco
Arianna Giardina
Michela Falcone
Valerio Perna
Film renderizzato oculus
di Valerio Perna
Modello 3d navigabile
di Gaetano De Francesco Michela Falcone
And This Year?
UnLost City
Mostra : "plug-in design"
Information Technology e Architettura. Il lavoro del Sicily Lab per gli spazi urbani di Gioiosa Marea.Gioiosa Marea - Sicily Lab - via Umberto I n. 211
Domenica, 31 agosto 2008 ore 19,30
Published Works
2008 >>, 2007 >> 2014 >>Press
2012 (Mimmo Mollica)
Tulane Works at Siciòy çab
+ inte
2006 "First video of presentation"
2007 "The athmosphere of the Sicily Lab"
2008 "The workshop of 2008"
2009 "Work with Tulane"
2012 "Inagurazione mostra!
2012 "Plug in in down town - Interview Gioiosa Today"
2012 "Plug in - servizi Antenna del mediterraneo"
2012 "The exhibition Plug in"
2016 "Reciprocal the Movie"
2016 "Reciprocal interviews e servizio"