Puerto Rico 2 Re_Start 2019 http://puertoricorestart.org
Does it work?
Conceptual art
DealingWith Reservoir is an important element of relevance and at the same time of crisis.
A Work package that include a set of actions
We have analysed resorvoir dividing the class in two gropups. Each Goup had a + and - criteria to select reservois Group A + Attractive (natural, touristc, views ecctetera) - Lack of Caeessability
Group B + productive (amaount of water, power electricity ecctera) - Close to abandonment
Out ot this criteria four differnte constellations of reservoir were done
City Centers
In the Puertorico island 12 major cities were found accordinglt with this web site Again the two goups have analysed the cities to creat four diffent constelations http://welcome.topuertorico.org/city/index.shtml Us. census for data on the population
Now the work should inslude a Realist" set of actions that will take into consideration A. A loop ecologicagle suitable action. In putting together plus and mius of differnt ascpect. So that the minsu became a resource or a strengt in the related with the plus action. This working packages can be proposed to acivited processe lookin at the island as a seyt of interellated options. Arecibo Nauralizzazione and use of abandonded lot What you do with it
Castel Monastery...Detroit
Presentation professor. Edmund Colon - Restart Puerto rico 2 Plan de uso de terrenos = jp.pr.gov
Important research inputs
Community Planning / Capacity Building (CPCB)
Important reference example in the work of West 8